Annual General Meeting 2021

The 15th Klöckner & Co SE Annual General Meeting took place virtually on May 12, 2021.

To protect the health of our shareholders and employees, the Annual General Meeting will be held virtually this year on May 20, 2020 without the physical presence of shareholders and shareholder representatives. This decision is based on the act to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19-pandemic of March 27, 2020.

Hence, the previous convocation of the Annual General Meeting, which had been announced in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) on March 30, 2020, is invalid. The convocation of the virtual Annual General Meeting was published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger)  on April 24, 2020.

Klöckner & Co SE shareholders can follow the entire Annual General Meeting in full via a live stream in the Online Service on our website. In addition, the speeches of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Management Board are broadcast publicly, also on our website. Shareholders or their proxies can exercise their voting rights as usual by absentee ballot or by granting authorization and instructions to the persons nominated by the Company to vote on their behalf. Please note that it is not possible to cast votes personally at the meeting, neither for the shareholders nor for their proxies.

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The Annual General Meeting of Klöckner & Co SE will take place on May 12, 2021 purely virtually.


To protect the health of our shareholders and employees, the Annual General Meeting will be held virtually again this year on May 12, 2021 without the physical presence of shareholders and shareholder representatives. This decision is based on the Act Concerning Measures Under the Law of Companies, Cooperative Societies, Associations, Foundations and Commonhold Property to Combat the Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic of March 27, 2020 (as most recently amended by the Act to further shorten the residual debt discharge procedure and to adjust pandemic-related provisions in the corporate law, co-operative law, association law and the law of foundations as well as the rental and tenancy law of December 22, 2020).


The convocation of the virtual Annual General Meeting was published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) on March 30, 2021.


Klöckner & Co SE shareholders can follow the entire Annual General Meeting in full via a live stream in the online service on our website. In addition, the entire Annual General Meeting is broadcast publicly for the first time, also on our website. Shareholders or their proxies can exercise their voting rights as usual by absentee vote or by granting authorization and instructions to the persons appointed by the Company to vote on their behalf. Please note that it is not possible to cast votes personally at the meeting, neither for the shareholders nor for their proxies.


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